Education Resources for Palm Beach County



If you are a parent, a student or an employer seeking information about education here in Palm Beach County, here is a list of relevant resources that may be of assistance.

Business Development Board of Palm Beach County;

The Business Development Board of Palm Beach County is the official public/private economic development organization for Palm Beach County and Enterprise Florida. Founded in 1982 as a not-for-profit corporation, its primary purpose is to attract and retain new industry, business investment, high-quality jobs, and workforce development through corporate relocations, expansions, and international trade, stimulating economic energy, promoting business diversity, and enriching the County’s vitality.

Beyond Education

Beyond Education aims to provide parents and students with postsecondary school information that will help them to make informed education and career choices. The website will include information on employment and earnings outcomes of graduates of the State University System, the Florida College System and District Postsecondary Career and Technical Schools as well as other important information.

CareerSource Palm Beach County

CareerSource is the organization chartered by the state of Florida to develop, create and retain a quality workforce system in Palm Beach County and offers its professional services to all employers and job seekers in the county. Employment services are available to all Palm Beach County businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. Employer services include recruiting, interviewing, candidate screening, assessments, and training. CareerSource operates three Career Centers and two Executive Transition Units offering innovative employment-related services. For job seekers, CareerSource Career Centers provide job-search workshops, the use of computers, phones and faxes to assist in a job search, training opportunities for those who qualify; counseling, assessments and job placement services.

Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County

Children’s Services Council is a local special-purpose government created by Palm Beach County voters in 1986 and reauthorized in 2014. The Council provides leadership, funding, services and research on behalf of the county’s children so they grow up healthy, safe and strong. To make the biggest impact, the Council focuses on prenatal health and early childhood development so more Palm Beach County children are born healthy, are safe from abuse and neglect, are ready to learn when they enter school, and have access to quality afterschool and summer programming.

Florida Online Degree Program Information;

Most colleges and universities in the State of Florida are incorporating online degree programs, with 54 offering at least one bachelor degree. Knowing that students and families are faced with trying to figure out the best option for them, they created and focused their site and its resources to provide an investigative review of the online education landscape and to critically evaluate the increasingly-popular online college rankings that are being touted on the internet.

Education Foundation of Palm Beach County

The Education Foundation of Palm Beach County is an independent and self-funded organization, which fulfills unmet funding gaps of the School District of Palm Beach County through programs and grants that link and engage community leaders in the process of supporting public education.

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Programs

Provides scholarships based on high school academic achievement and is Florida’s largest merit-based scholarship program. The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program has helped more than 635,000 Florida students attend a postsecondary institution. The program offers three levels of scholarship awards – the Florida Academic Scholars award (FAS), the Florida Medallion Scholars award (FMS), and the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award (GSV).  Each award level has its own academic requirements, award amounts, and funding length.  

Florida Education Foundation

The Florida Education Foundation is a not for profit corporation dedicated to the success of public prekindergarten through twelfth grade Florida students.  The primary purpose of the Foundation is to encourage collaboration among parents, business people, community members and Florida’s public schools to improve student performance.  The Foundation serves as the catalyst that promotes excellence for Florida’s public PreK-12 education by fostering the development of community and private sector resources.

Florida Prepaid College Plans

With a Florida Prepaid College Plan, you lock-in today’s plan prices and help provide your child with an opportunity-filled future that comes with a college education. The Florida Prepaid College Board offers four affordable Prepaid Plan options that allow families to prepay the cost of college tuition, most required fees, and dormitory housing. What you pay now is guaranteed, no matter how much college costs increase in the future. In addition to the Prepaid Plans, families may also purchase a University Dormitory Plan for on-campus housing expenses. The Florida Prepaid College Plan was introduced in 1988 and is the largest prepaid college plan in the country. Families have purchased more than 1.4 million Florida Prepaid College Plans since the inception of the program.

Medical Assistant Degrees

Medical Assistant Degrees provides details about medical assistant programs at schools in every state (including Florida: It also offers tips on pursuing a medical assisting career, with information on how to become certified, different types of jobs and salary expectations.

Most Affordable Online Colleges with Quality Programs

Affordable Colleges Foundation began in 2011 to provide quality data and information about pursuing an affordable higher education. This comprehensive website provides information of the 46 Most Affordable Online Colleges for 2014-15, a detailed breakdown of accreditation, what it is and why it’s important, not-for-profit vs for-profit schools – what’s the difference?, and the importance of reputation with employers.


MyCareerShines is a comprehensive online education and career planning system designed to help Floridians succeed in the increasingly competitive global economy. When fully implemented, students and adults will have the tools to assess their interests and skills, explore careers, plan for education, prepare for work and find jobs.

Palm Beach County Public School Showcase

This Virtual Tour of the county’s public schools provides a wealth of information about each individual public school, demographics, mapping, statistics, graduation rates, matriculation rates, and other useful data.

Palm Beach County School District Choice Programs

Families with students entering Kindergarten through grade 11 have the opportunity to choose from an array of theme-based curricula offerings at the elementary, middle, and high school levels that provide innovative and rigorous academic instruction by specially trained teachers. These programs provide students with a pathway to postsecondary educations and careers. Students may apply for one or two Choice or Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs with available space.

Palm Beach State College Panorama

Panorama serves as the official student enrollment report of Palm Beach State College. This report serves to support the College’s commitment to collect and provide useful data that is systematic, broad-based and interrelated for the purpose of educational decision making.

School District of Palm Beach County

The School District of Palm Beach County is the 5th- largest school system in Florida and the 11th- largest in the country, with 185 schools, serving 176,724 (total K-12) students who speak 150 languages/dialects. It is the only urban school district in Florida that has earned an “A” rating from the Florida Department of Education for eight consecutive years, and its school grades are among the highest in the state. Your children are its primary focus and their graduation from the school system is the crown jewel. Together, the school district and you will support and enrich their learning journey.


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